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Payment for preparer: $100 includes notarization

Payment to the US Department of State

  • Send a $50.00 check or money order. Additional copies are $50 each.
  • Make payable to "U.S. Department of State"
  • Checks and money orders must be payable in U.S. dollars through a U.S. bank
  • Include complete mailing address on the check
  • The Department is not responsible for cash lost in the mail
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You will need Photo ID, payment and a notarized request that includes all of the following information:

  • Full name of the individual at birth
  • Any adoptive names of the individual
  • Individual's date and place of birth
  • Any available passport information (e.g. passport date of issuance, date of expiration, passport number)
  • Full names of parents or legal guardians
  • If known, the serial number of the FS-240
  • Signature of requester
  • Legal Guardian(s) Only: A certified court order granting guardianship
  • Requester's mailing address
  • Requester's contact number
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  • USPS First Class Mail: One to two weeks. No additional cost.
  • 1-2 Day Delivery: Add $17.13 to the $50 check or money order.
  • The shipping time is included in the 4-8 weeks processing time
  • Please do not include a pre-paid express mail envelope with your request. This will cause a delay in delivery.

Mail the request, copy of the photo ID, and payment to:

U.S. Department of State
Passport Vital Records Section
44132 Mercure Cir.
PO Box 1213
Sterling, VA  20166-1213


Processing Times

The processing time to receive your Consular Report of Birth Aboard is four to eight weeks. If you don't provide all the items listed above, your request for the CRBA will be delayed.

Make a 'Zoom' video appointment

Call (415) 432-3948 to make a ZOOM appointment or click the button.