What are possible ways to get a greencard?

Through a US Citizen child : Is your child over the age of 21 and a US Citizen? Current law requires the green card interview to be conducted in the Embassy of your home country abroad if you were not previously petitioned by 4/30/2001.

245i Adjustment - Have you been petitioned prior to April 30, 2001 either as a principal applicant or derivative?

U-visa - Have you been a victim of a reported crime and you cooperated with police?

Registry - Have you lived in the USA since January 1, 1971 and have evidence of continuous presence.

Provisional Waiver - Are you married to a US Citizen or Legal Permanent Resident and have only entered the USA one time? Current law requires the green card interview to be conducted in the Embassy of your home country abroad.

Battered Spouse (VAWA) - Are you, or were you, married to a US Citizen or Legal Permanent resident who abused you?

Cancellation: Have you lived in the USA for more than 10 years, have children under 21 or a US citizen or Legal permanent resident spouse who would suffer 'extreme hardship' if you were deported? This case can only be presented in immigration/deportation court.

Employer - Do you have extraordinary ability in the sciences, arts, education, business or athletics and have an employer who hires workers from countries abroad?

Asylum - Have you been granted an application for Asylum at least one year ago?

DACA - Are you eligible for or have you traveled on Advanced Parole, making your last entry a legal entry.

Parole in Place - Do you have a child registered in the military, over age 21.